Patty Shaw

Psychology Services

About me



Who I am

There was a time in my early life when I felt compelled to understand better those around me. Many years later and countless educational pathways, I discovered that people were not discoverable unless they were compelled by their very nature to be so. I found that all of us had resources that have arisen from countless life experiences that shaped our reactions to our environment. I found each individual, that I was privileged to work with, had lessons to give.

Twenty-four years later and I am still on my journey. I have been lucky to listen to so many teachings from countless others. My efforts are the product of these years of training. I continue to listen, learn and train. I hope you find my practice beneficial for your life journey.

Patty Shaw Psychology

About me



 “Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them”

Rita Levi Montalcini

About me



Contact me

Where to find me

Phone: 07 5485 3178

Address: 420 Cootharaba Rd, Cootharaba QLD 4565

Phone   07 5485 3178

